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星儿童 超级英雄拯救地球的真正的3D飞行

星儿童 超级英雄拯救地球的真正的3D飞行
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星儿童 - 超级英雄拯救地球的真正的3D飞行应用说明 Finally, a realistic Superhero 3D Flying Game that is challenging enough for adults, easy to use for kids and even a toddler can keep busy with the continuous practice mode. This family friendly action arcade and simulation game will give you the feeling of flight, with all the speed and maneuvering you would expect if you were a superhero. With the accelerometer setting, you can hold out your arms and make the flying more virtual. With the joystick setting, you more easily play on a table top. You can speed up or slow down the flight and during the mission mode, you will be able to collect certain objects, while avoiding others that will drain your energy field. Here is a summary of what you can expect from this game: Key Features: -Realistic 3D Flying Movements and Scenery Graphics -Choose Between Being a Boy or Girl Superhero. -Successfully Complete Each Mission And Earn A Bronze, Silver, Gold or Diamond Medal. -Finish All Four Missions And Become Either A Junior, Amateur, Professional or Master Superhero. -Use The Accelerometer Tilting Or On Screen Joystick Setting. -Use The Practice Mode To Explore All Around The City, Mountain, Rural or Space Levels As You Unlock Them. -Practice Mode Is A Continuous Loop , So You Can Fly For Hours and Younger Kids Won't Have To Restart It. -Enjoy the Great Star Kids Music Or Mute It. The Game Story: Star Kids is the story of two super kids who came here to help save our planet and protect all the people of earth. This includes neutralizing toxic bubbles in the atmosphere, retrieving vital medical supplies that fell off a supply truck on the way to the hospital, restoring communications to one of earth's government satellites, and even saving endangered eggs from a fire that is threatening their location. Their superhero powers include being able to fly, time traveling, energy protective field around their bodies and the ability to regenerate through harnessing star power ups after injury. Each one of the four separate missions will award you a certain medal of excellence if you were able to complete them and if you have what it takes, you will be awarded one of four Superhero Levels at the end of the game. Developer's note: I have kids that are very into superhero cartoons and games, but when my son was very young, I thought it would be great to have a game that would allow him to fly like a superhero. However, none of the games I found actually put you into the first person flying position, nor were they easy enough to use at his age. So, my first idea was to just make a Superhero flight simulator, but he got older during the years it took to produce the game. So, when my partners suggested that we turn this into an actual arcade type game, I knew it would take much longer and cost more, but I have to agree with them that it was worth every penny and the time it took to bring it all to fruition. We hope you enjoy it as much as our kids and of course, we ourselves do!

星儿童 超级英雄拯救地球的真正的3D飞行图片1


  • 星儿童 超级英雄拯救地球的真正的3D飞行
  • 星儿童 超级英雄拯救地球的真正的3D飞行
  • 星儿童 超级英雄拯救地球的真正的3D飞行
  • 星儿童 超级英雄拯救地球的真正的3D飞行




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