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Shopper Grocery Shopping List 立即下载

Shopper Grocery Shopping List

  • 软件类型:理财
  • 更新时间:2020-07-15 12:08:13
  • 运营状态:
  • 软件大小:
  • 软件小编:佚名
  • 官方网站: http://android.jobbole.com
  • 软件标签:


"Best Shopping list Application” - Laptop Mag.
“Love this app, simple and exactly what you need” – 谷歌 User
“My wife and I pide and conquer the store!” – 谷歌 User

Key Features(Details Below):
?Simple, quick list making for planning and shopping efficiency
?List sync'ing with family and friends
?Store recipes ingredients as lists
?Barcode scanning
?Web portal and iPhone, Blackberry and AppUp support
?FDA/USDA Alerts and Recalls on food items linked to barcodes
?Budget and planning: track grocery prices and total spending.
?Store search: find the stores around your or by zip code.
?Real Customer Support!

?Shop by customizable categories including grocery, home improvement, electronics, beauty and baby
?Notes on all items make planning easy
?Multiple Lists
?Custom aisle layouts


?Keep track of your shopping in one place and never lose your shopping lists or start from scratch! Shopper creates different lists for different stores or shopping trips, and quickly jumps from one to another.

?Shopper’s quick and simple yet powerful list making and shopping features are unmatched by other apps. Make lists quickly by searching for products, browsing a customizable set of categories, or using your frequently purchased products so you don’t forget the essentials.

?Order your lists to match aisles in different stores or your pantry at home. Buy just what is in your budget!

?Real-time List Sharing and Syncing. Coordinate your meal planning and grocery budget with family members and friends. The old refrigerator list in real time! Plus Shopper Connect: planning and list management online, from any computer.

?Store Search. Quickly locate grocery, pharmacy, hardware or other Stores, using our Store search. We provide the location and telephone number, so you can check if your desired item is in-stock.

?FDA/USDA Recalls. We routinely check for new alerts and recalls on food items YOU are shopping for and notify you right on your shopping list. You can then read the entire FDA or USDA alert right inside shopper.

?Barcode Scanning (US and Canada only currently) Use the camera to quickly scan any grocery item in your pantry and add it to your list and see FDA/USDA alerts for it. We search to find the UPC, but you can always enter your own description and make it your own (compare to other shopping apps).

Shopper is an indispensible help for big trips to stores like Walmart, Target, Costco, BJs, Home Depot, Publix, Kroger, Meijer, Aldi, HEB, Safeway and the like, as well as smaller missions to stores like CVS, Walgreens and your local convenience store.

Please report problems with Shopper to Support (androidsupport at myshopperapp.com) not via app reviews. We provide real inpidual support during business hours. A report on the Android Market does not allow us to follow-up and resolve the problem.

Thanks for your continued support, and please follow us on (@shopperapp) and (.com/shopperapp). To ask questions or send suggestions please contact Customer Support directly. Visit MyShopperApp.com for more info.

Keywords: grocery, list, recipes, coupons, shopping, iq, planning, barcode, supermarket, epicurious, food, budget, walmart, shopping, list, walmart, kroger, target, walgreens, costco, home depot, cvs, safeway, publix, HEB, meijer, Aldi

  • Shopper Grocery Shopping List
  • Shopper Grocery Shopping List
  • Shopper Grocery Shopping List
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