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Shopping List Free 立即下载

Shopping List Free

  • 软件类型:理财
  • 更新时间:2020-07-15 12:25:52
  • 运营状态:
  • 软件大小:
  • 软件小编:佚名
  • 官方网站: http://android.jobbole.com
  • 软件标签:


Simple and easy to use app that regroup a shopping list, grocery list and sales tax calculator. Will soon also have a ToDo list.

With Shopping List Pro you can have your shopping list / grocery list with you everywhere you are. With that app, you will never forget anything to buy!

You can also use it to note a recipe. You create a list for the recipe you want to do. And then list all the items you need for it with the good quantity. When you go do your grocery, you know all the food you need.

Plus, you can always calculate the total price of your shopping cart. You can choose a quantity for every product and a discount for every product. The price you enter can be either for 1 quantity or multiple quantity. You will also see the savings you make with the discount %. This is a really useful discount calculator. You can select an item as tax free. For more informations, see the screenshots below !

The sales tax can be modified as you want. For people in Canada and United States (US), there is a sales tax lookup that you just have to select your province and it will enter the right tax rate! NEW FEATURE : The same is applicable for United States (US) now! You can easily find the US sales tax for any states.

You can have multiple shopping or grocery lists that has mutiple shopping or grocery items. You can see all your shoppings list with the date of the last update.

NEW FEATURE : For every product you enter, there is now a new feature! You can do a product search online by clicking on the search button on the right. It is really helpful for either shop online, buy online or compare the price you have with prices online. Really good price comparison tool!

COMMING SOON : Barcode scanner

This is the free version, if you like the app, please encourage us and buy the pro version, Thank you

  • Shopping List Free
  • Shopping List Free
  • Shopping List Free
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