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Auction Calculator 立即下载

Auction Calculator

  • 软件类型:理财
  • 更新时间:2020-07-15 12:33:28
  • 运营状态:
  • 软件大小:
  • 软件小编:佚名
  • 官方网站: http://android.jobbole.com
  • 软件标签:


This handy little utility will be of use to people who attend UK land based auctions.

It calculates the total sale cost including the commission and vat.

Via the Bought it/Sold it buttons, the transaction screens lists each item together with summary totals allowing you to keep track of your total spend as the aution progresses - no more nasty surprises at the end !

When you've finished at the auction the summary should agree with the auction invoice.

1) Enter the auction house commission rate % (e.g. 15) and
V.A.T. % rate (e.g. 20) via the menu, settings option.

2) use the keyboard buttons to enter the hammer price.
The total buying cost and sale return will be displayed.
- [C] button will remove the last entered digit
- [Clear] button will reset the hammer price

3) optionally maintain a list of purchases/sales for a
particular auction via the Bought it/Sold it buttons.
You'll be prompted for the lot number.

Clear the history from the menu, Delete History option.

Mail me with suggestions on additional functionality.

  • Auction Calculator
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